Helping Student Writers Gain Skill and Confidence
This 8 week, self-paced, online Moodle course is intended for classroom teachers and/or graduate students who are interested in studying writing in school contexts. In particular, the focus is on analytic writing, which has traditionally been overlooked in favor of narrative writing forms. Major course objectives are to help class participants become more confident with teaching analytical writing and writing analytically themselves in the content disciplines they teach.
Course description: This two-credit course explores how mentor texts can be used to jump-start analytical writing: writing to inform and explain, writing arguments, and writing to evaluate (Common Core Anchor Standards 1 through 3.) We will study forms of written discourse and identify genre characteristics of expository writing. Students will analyze writing assignments for developing student-writers and then adapt these to more complex, layered writing exercises. Participants will learn about analytical writing from a teacher’s perspective as well as from direct experiences with composing pieces that inform and explain, that take a position and propose a solution, and that evaluate and form judgments based on evidence.
This course is the equivalent to 30 classroom hours (30 OPI professional development units), which is the equivalent of 2 university credits. This is a self-paced course, but do not expect to complete it in one sitting! Course participants must be comfortable working independently and be self-motivated to complete all work within the flexible time frame. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU DON'T REGISTER FOR MORE THAN TWO COURSES AT ONE TIME.
Erin Lipkind [email protected]
Ann Ellsworth [email protected]
Registration fee: $280
Credit: 30 OPI Professional Development Units or 2 Semester Credits (semester credit is offered through the University of Montana and is an additional fee of $155; registration forms available in the course Moodle.)
Cost savings:
*Two in-person U of M Undergraduate credits would cost you $1,044. Two in-person U of M Graduate credits would cost you $1,168. MTPLC's courses save you 58% and 63% respectively.
*Two online U of M Undergraduate credits would cost you $625. Two online U of M Graduate credits would cost you $749. MTPLC's courses save you 30% and 42% respectively.
*MTPLC's courses can't be used towards a degree program. They CAN be used for salary schedules and license renewal.
* Complete this form.
* Within a few days, you will receive an invoice via email.
* Pay the invoice/registration fee (online or by check) in order to begin.
* You will receive a username and password and steps to access the Moodle course.
* The instructor will send an introductory email and you may begin the class.
* If you are taking the course for OPI professional development units, MTPLC will send you them upon completion of the semester.
* If you are taking the course for University credits, you will need to send the completed semester credit form and payment to Erin Lipkind, MTPLC's Moodle Course Director, by the end of the semester for which you are enrolled. She will submit them to the University of Montana along with your grade upon your completion of the course. The participant’s paperwork will be submitted to UM for the term in which they finish the coursework.
* Registrants have one year from the term of registration to complete their course.
Ex: If you register in February 2024, you have until May 15, 2025 to complete the course.
Obtaining copies of the books: Check your school /district or local library. Amazon and other online booksellers often have used copies available. The instructor is available to assist with locating copies, if needed.
Event Number: 25551001
EDU 455 EDU 555
Learning outcomes:
Participants will be able to
1. Describe the elements of effective written communication.
2. Contrast analytic writing forms from narrative structures.
3. Analyze written pieces (students’ own compositions and those from mentor texts) for words/phrases that reflect genre requirements.
4. Identify mentor texts that match to aspects of effective writing (namely: word choice, organization, and sentence structure)
5. Define RAFT and within that writing framework, identify various formats, purposes, and intended audiences
6. Examine grade-level writing standards and design appropriate age-level analytical writing assignments.
7. Compare journal articles that discuss best instructional practices for advancing student writers.
Required texts:
Write Like This
Author: Kelly Gallagher
Stenhouse Publishers, 2013
Beyond the 5-Paragraph Essay: How to Write Analytical Essays
Authors: Kimberly Campbell and Kristi Latimer
Stenhouse Publishers, 2012
Other online sources, including journal articles from writing scholars
Recommended text:
The Classroom Teacher’s Guide to Struggling Writers
Authors: Curt Dudley-Marling and Patricia Paugh
Heinemann, 2009
About the course facilitator:
Ann Ellsworth has taught in elementary and secondary schools in Wisconsin and Montana, and has led reading and writing professional development workshops across Montana and the Midwest. She is the 2019 National Council of Teachers of English's (NCTE) "Grammar Teacher of the Year." The Association of Teachers of English Grammar (ATEG) is an arm of NCTE. She was awarded the 2016 Montana Reading Teacher of the Year, and was a finalist for two national teaching awards. Presently she works with teacher candidates at Montana State University-Bozeman She has served as editor of the MONTANA STATE READING JOURNAL and is working with a publisher on a book on how to improve student writing.
Register at:
Helping Student Writers Gain Skill and Confidence
This 8 week, self-paced, online Moodle course is intended for classroom teachers and/or graduate students who are interested in studying writing in school contexts. In particular, the focus is on analytic writing, which has traditionally been overlooked in favor of narrative writing forms. Major course objectives are to help class participants become more confident with teaching analytical writing and writing analytically themselves in the content disciplines they teach.
Course description: This two-credit course explores how mentor texts can be used to jump-start analytical writing: writing to inform and explain, writing arguments, and writing to evaluate (Common Core Anchor Standards 1 through 3.) We will study forms of written discourse and identify genre characteristics of expository writing. Students will analyze writing assignments for developing student-writers and then adapt these to more complex, layered writing exercises. Participants will learn about analytical writing from a teacher’s perspective as well as from direct experiences with composing pieces that inform and explain, that take a position and propose a solution, and that evaluate and form judgments based on evidence.
This course is the equivalent to 30 classroom hours (30 OPI professional development units), which is the equivalent of 2 university credits. This is a self-paced course, but do not expect to complete it in one sitting! Course participants must be comfortable working independently and be self-motivated to complete all work within the flexible time frame. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU DON'T REGISTER FOR MORE THAN TWO COURSES AT ONE TIME.
Erin Lipkind [email protected]
Ann Ellsworth [email protected]
Registration fee: $280
Credit: 30 OPI Professional Development Units or 2 Semester Credits (semester credit is offered through the University of Montana and is an additional fee of $155; registration forms available in the course Moodle.)
Cost savings:
*Two in-person U of M Undergraduate credits would cost you $1,044. Two in-person U of M Graduate credits would cost you $1,168. MTPLC's courses save you 58% and 63% respectively.
*Two online U of M Undergraduate credits would cost you $625. Two online U of M Graduate credits would cost you $749. MTPLC's courses save you 30% and 42% respectively.
*MTPLC's courses can't be used towards a degree program. They CAN be used for salary schedules and license renewal.
* Complete this form.
* Within a few days, you will receive an invoice via email.
* Pay the invoice/registration fee (online or by check) in order to begin.
* You will receive a username and password and steps to access the Moodle course.
* The instructor will send an introductory email and you may begin the class.
* If you are taking the course for OPI professional development units, MTPLC will send you them upon completion of the semester.
* If you are taking the course for University credits, you will need to send the completed semester credit form and payment to Erin Lipkind, MTPLC's Moodle Course Director, by the end of the semester for which you are enrolled. She will submit them to the University of Montana along with your grade upon your completion of the course. The participant’s paperwork will be submitted to UM for the term in which they finish the coursework.
* Registrants have one year from the term of registration to complete their course.
Ex: If you register in February 2024, you have until May 15, 2025 to complete the course.
Obtaining copies of the books: Check your school /district or local library. Amazon and other online booksellers often have used copies available. The instructor is available to assist with locating copies, if needed.
Event Number: 25551001
EDU 455 EDU 555
Learning outcomes:
Participants will be able to
1. Describe the elements of effective written communication.
2. Contrast analytic writing forms from narrative structures.
3. Analyze written pieces (students’ own compositions and those from mentor texts) for words/phrases that reflect genre requirements.
4. Identify mentor texts that match to aspects of effective writing (namely: word choice, organization, and sentence structure)
5. Define RAFT and within that writing framework, identify various formats, purposes, and intended audiences
6. Examine grade-level writing standards and design appropriate age-level analytical writing assignments.
7. Compare journal articles that discuss best instructional practices for advancing student writers.
Required texts:
Write Like This
Author: Kelly Gallagher
Stenhouse Publishers, 2013
Beyond the 5-Paragraph Essay: How to Write Analytical Essays
Authors: Kimberly Campbell and Kristi Latimer
Stenhouse Publishers, 2012
Other online sources, including journal articles from writing scholars
Recommended text:
The Classroom Teacher’s Guide to Struggling Writers
Authors: Curt Dudley-Marling and Patricia Paugh
Heinemann, 2009
About the course facilitator:
Ann Ellsworth has taught in elementary and secondary schools in Wisconsin and Montana, and has led reading and writing professional development workshops across Montana and the Midwest. She is the 2019 National Council of Teachers of English's (NCTE) "Grammar Teacher of the Year." The Association of Teachers of English Grammar (ATEG) is an arm of NCTE. She was awarded the 2016 Montana Reading Teacher of the Year, and was a finalist for two national teaching awards. Presently she works with teacher candidates at Montana State University-Bozeman She has served as editor of the MONTANA STATE READING JOURNAL and is working with a publisher on a book on how to improve student writing.
Register at: