Leslie Marmon Silko
Part of Native American Author Studies
Indian Education for All Online Course
The self-paced online course is composed of five distinct units. Each unit is the equivalent of 1 University credit or 15 OPI professional development units. Participants would read a selection of books by one or more authors, complete a selection of instructional activities, and design a lesson or unit for use in the classroom. Upon registration, participants select which units/how many credits they wish to take. The five author units included are:
See list of books on syllabus or Moodle
The Birchbark House, Hyperion, 2002
The Roundhouse, Harper Perrenial, 2013
See list of books on syllabus or Moodle
Some Suggested Texts:
Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko (1988)
Leslie Marmon Silko: A Collection of Critical Essays (2001)
Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit by Leslie Marmon Silko (1997)
The Delicacy and Strength of Lace: Letters between Leslie Marmon Silko and James Wright by Anne Wright and Joy Harjo (2009)
The Turquoise Ledge: A Memoir by Leslie Marmon Silko (2011)
Storyteller by Leslie Marmon Silko (2012)
Gardens in the Dunes by Leslie Marmon Silko (2000)
Great Short Stories by Contemporary Native American Writers, by Bob Blaisdell (2014)
Some Suggested Texts:
A Good Luck Cat by Joy Harjo (2000) (a children’s book)
For a Girl Becoming by Joy Harjo (2009) (a children’s book)
The Last Song by Joy Harjo (1975)
What Moon Drove Me to This? By Joy Harjo (1980)
She had some Horses by Joy Harjo (1983 reissued 2008)
Secrets from the Center of the World by Joy Harjo (1989)
In Mad Love and War by Joy Harjo (1990)
The Woman Who Fell from the Sky by Joy Harjo (1994)
A Map of the Next World: Poetry and Tales by Joy Harjo (2000)
How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems, by Joy Harjo (2002)
Crazy Brave: A Memoir by Joy Harjo (2012)
Soul Talk, Song Language by Joy Harjo (2011)
Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings by Joy Harjo (2015)
An American Sunrise: Poems by Joy Harjo (2019)
Participants will:
* Develop personal background knowledge of Indian Education for All (IEFA) by diving deeply into the Essential Understandings of Montana Indians.
* Explore the anchor texts/resources and examine how they may be modified based on the instructor’s classroom setting.
* Demonstrate comprehension of the content through the completion of quizzes, essays, graphic organizers, and projects.
* Ponder concepts and facts learned through the completion of reflection papers.
* Design comprehensive lesson plans and instructional activities that integrate the materials and concepts covered as well as self- selected supplemental materials.
* Complete a final project which integrates the materials and concepts covered. (Graduate students only)
Sindie Kennedy ([email protected])
Erin Lipkind ([email protected])
Michele McGuire ([email protected])
Registration fees:
Course Fees: OPI Credit Semester Credit UM Credit Fee Total Cost for Cont Ed
$170 1 unit 15 hours 1 UM credit $155 $325
$280 2 units 30 hours 2 UM credits $155 $435
$390 3 units 45 hours 3 UM credits $155 $545
$500 4 units 60 hours 4 UM credits $155 $655
$605 5 units 75 hours 5 UM credits $155 $760
NOTE: Semester credit is offered through the University of Montana and is an additional fee of $155; registration forms available in the course Moodle.)
This course is the equivalent to 15-75 classroom hours, which is the equivalent of 1 to 5 university credits. This is a self-paced course, but do not expect to complete it in one sitting! Course participants must be comfortable working independently and be self-motivated to complete all work within the flexible time frame.
Cost savings:
*By taking MTPLC's courses, participants save an average of 60% for University of Montana in-person Undergraduate credits and 64% for U of M in-person Graduate credits.
*By taking MTPLC's courses, participants save an average of 34% for University of Montana online Undergraduate credits and 45% for U of M online Graduate credits.
*MTPLC's courses can't be used towards a degree program. They CAN be used for salary schedules and license renewal.
* Complete this form.
* Within a few days, you will receive an invoice via email.
* Pay the invoice/registration fee (online or by check) in order to begin.
* You will receive a username and password and steps to access the Moodle course.
* The instructor will send an introductory email and you may begin the class.
* If you are taking the course for OPI professional development units, MTPLC will send you them upon completion of the semester.
* If you are taking the course for University credits, you will need to send the completed semester credit form and payment to Erin Lipkind, MTPLC's Moodle Course Director, by the end of the semester for which you are enrolled. She will submit them to the University of Montana along with your grade upon your completion of the course. The participant’s paperwork will be submitted to UM for the term in which they finish the coursework.
* Registrants have one year from the term of registration to complete their course.
Ex: If you register in February 2024, you have until May 15, 2025 to complete the course.
Obtaining copies of the books: Check your school /district or local library. Amazon and other online booksellers often have used copies available. The instructor is available to assist with locating copies, if needed.
Event Number: 25521016
EDU 455 EDU 555
Register at: https://forms.gle/BAnFbQqe1aw31YA9A
Leslie Marmon Silko
Part of Native American Author Studies
Indian Education for All Online Course
The self-paced online course is composed of five distinct units. Each unit is the equivalent of 1 University credit or 15 OPI professional development units. Participants would read a selection of books by one or more authors, complete a selection of instructional activities, and design a lesson or unit for use in the classroom. Upon registration, participants select which units/how many credits they wish to take. The five author units included are:
See list of books on syllabus or Moodle
The Birchbark House, Hyperion, 2002
The Roundhouse, Harper Perrenial, 2013
See list of books on syllabus or Moodle
Some Suggested Texts:
Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko (1988)
Leslie Marmon Silko: A Collection of Critical Essays (2001)
Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit by Leslie Marmon Silko (1997)
The Delicacy and Strength of Lace: Letters between Leslie Marmon Silko and James Wright by Anne Wright and Joy Harjo (2009)
The Turquoise Ledge: A Memoir by Leslie Marmon Silko (2011)
Storyteller by Leslie Marmon Silko (2012)
Gardens in the Dunes by Leslie Marmon Silko (2000)
Great Short Stories by Contemporary Native American Writers, by Bob Blaisdell (2014)
Some Suggested Texts:
A Good Luck Cat by Joy Harjo (2000) (a children’s book)
For a Girl Becoming by Joy Harjo (2009) (a children’s book)
The Last Song by Joy Harjo (1975)
What Moon Drove Me to This? By Joy Harjo (1980)
She had some Horses by Joy Harjo (1983 reissued 2008)
Secrets from the Center of the World by Joy Harjo (1989)
In Mad Love and War by Joy Harjo (1990)
The Woman Who Fell from the Sky by Joy Harjo (1994)
A Map of the Next World: Poetry and Tales by Joy Harjo (2000)
How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems, by Joy Harjo (2002)
Crazy Brave: A Memoir by Joy Harjo (2012)
Soul Talk, Song Language by Joy Harjo (2011)
Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings by Joy Harjo (2015)
An American Sunrise: Poems by Joy Harjo (2019)
Participants will:
* Develop personal background knowledge of Indian Education for All (IEFA) by diving deeply into the Essential Understandings of Montana Indians.
* Explore the anchor texts/resources and examine how they may be modified based on the instructor’s classroom setting.
* Demonstrate comprehension of the content through the completion of quizzes, essays, graphic organizers, and projects.
* Ponder concepts and facts learned through the completion of reflection papers.
* Design comprehensive lesson plans and instructional activities that integrate the materials and concepts covered as well as self- selected supplemental materials.
* Complete a final project which integrates the materials and concepts covered. (Graduate students only)
Sindie Kennedy ([email protected])
Erin Lipkind ([email protected])
Michele McGuire ([email protected])
Registration fees:
Course Fees: OPI Credit Semester Credit UM Credit Fee Total Cost for Cont Ed
$170 1 unit 15 hours 1 UM credit $155 $325
$280 2 units 30 hours 2 UM credits $155 $435
$390 3 units 45 hours 3 UM credits $155 $545
$500 4 units 60 hours 4 UM credits $155 $655
$605 5 units 75 hours 5 UM credits $155 $760
NOTE: Semester credit is offered through the University of Montana and is an additional fee of $155; registration forms available in the course Moodle.)
This course is the equivalent to 15-75 classroom hours, which is the equivalent of 1 to 5 university credits. This is a self-paced course, but do not expect to complete it in one sitting! Course participants must be comfortable working independently and be self-motivated to complete all work within the flexible time frame.
Cost savings:
*By taking MTPLC's courses, participants save an average of 60% for University of Montana in-person Undergraduate credits and 64% for U of M in-person Graduate credits.
*By taking MTPLC's courses, participants save an average of 34% for University of Montana online Undergraduate credits and 45% for U of M online Graduate credits.
*MTPLC's courses can't be used towards a degree program. They CAN be used for salary schedules and license renewal.
* Complete this form.
* Within a few days, you will receive an invoice via email.
* Pay the invoice/registration fee (online or by check) in order to begin.
* You will receive a username and password and steps to access the Moodle course.
* The instructor will send an introductory email and you may begin the class.
* If you are taking the course for OPI professional development units, MTPLC will send you them upon completion of the semester.
* If you are taking the course for University credits, you will need to send the completed semester credit form and payment to Erin Lipkind, MTPLC's Moodle Course Director, by the end of the semester for which you are enrolled. She will submit them to the University of Montana along with your grade upon your completion of the course. The participant’s paperwork will be submitted to UM for the term in which they finish the coursework.
* Registrants have one year from the term of registration to complete their course.
Ex: If you register in February 2024, you have until May 15, 2025 to complete the course.
Obtaining copies of the books: Check your school /district or local library. Amazon and other online booksellers often have used copies available. The instructor is available to assist with locating copies, if needed.
Event Number: 25521016
EDU 455 EDU 555
Register at: https://forms.gle/BAnFbQqe1aw31YA9A