Placed-Based Making: IEFA and the Tactile Arts Origins, Function, Form & Contemporary Art
This blended learning course (two face-face sessions plus online Moodle course) covers select tribal nations and their contemporary and historic relationship to place based materials, functionality, and aesthetics in visual art. Examples of artists and art from the 13 tribal nations existing within Montana’s borders are addressed. This course surveys the relationship between form and function in historical art and how contemporary American Indian Artists use or reference the phenomenon of place-based making and contemporary views of so-called ‘native art’.
Dates for In-person sessions at Big Sky High School in Missoula, Montana To Be Determined
Time: 12:00- 4:00 p.m.
Who should attend: Secondary teachers and elementary teachers with or without an art background are welcome to join this dynamic class.
The instructor will interact physically and via email and video chat to discuss methods and the class as a whole. This is a blended face to face and online course. Participants will meet twice face to face. The first meeting will focus on instruction and creation, followed by an online component. The second meeting participants will continue making in addition to sharing with their peers units they developed and artists they have researched during the online portion of the course. (See our website for specifics. mtplc.org)
Note: The student is responsible for emailing the instructor with questions and when assignments are posted in each Module to ensure a prompt response.
This course is the equivalent to 45 classroom hours (45 OPI professional development units), which is the equivalent of 3 university credits. This is a self-paced course, but do not expect to complete it in one sitting! Course participants must be comfortable working independently and be self-motivated to complete all work within the flexible time frame. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU DON'T REGISTER FOR MORE THAN TWO COURSES AT ONE TIME.
Dustin Hoon [email protected]
Registration fee: $490 (includes art materials)
Credit: 45 OPI Professional Development Units or 3 Semester Credits (semester credit is offered through the University of Montana and is an additional fee of $155; registration forms available in the course Moodle.)
* Complete this form.
* Within a few days, you will receive an invoice via email.
* Pay the invoice/registration fee (online or by check) in order to begin.
* You will receive a username and password and steps to access the Moodle course.
* The instructor will send an introductory email and you may begin the class.
* If you are taking the course for OPI professional development units, MTPLC will send you them upon completion of the semester.
* If you are taking the course for University credits, you will need to send the completed semester credit form and payment to Erin Lipkind, MTPLC's Moodle Course Director, by the end of the semester for which you are enrolled. She will submit them to the University of Montana along with your grade upon your completion of the course. The participant’s paperwork will be submitted to UM for the term in which they finish the coursework.
* Registrants have one year from the term of registration to complete their course.
Ex: If you register in February 2024, you have until May 15, 2025 to complete the course.
Obtaining copies of the books: Check your school /district or local library. Amazon and other online booksellers often have used copies available. The instructor is available to assist with locating copies, if needed.
Event Number: 25521024
EDU 455 EDU 555
Register at: https://forms.gle/JDtu9hV3YtTZBYFE7
Placed-Based Making: IEFA and the Tactile Arts Origins, Function, Form & Contemporary Art
This blended learning course (two face-face sessions plus online Moodle course) covers select tribal nations and their contemporary and historic relationship to place based materials, functionality, and aesthetics in visual art. Examples of artists and art from the 13 tribal nations existing within Montana’s borders are addressed. This course surveys the relationship between form and function in historical art and how contemporary American Indian Artists use or reference the phenomenon of place-based making and contemporary views of so-called ‘native art’.
Dates for In-person sessions at Big Sky High School in Missoula, Montana To Be Determined
Time: 12:00- 4:00 p.m.
Who should attend: Secondary teachers and elementary teachers with or without an art background are welcome to join this dynamic class.
The instructor will interact physically and via email and video chat to discuss methods and the class as a whole. This is a blended face to face and online course. Participants will meet twice face to face. The first meeting will focus on instruction and creation, followed by an online component. The second meeting participants will continue making in addition to sharing with their peers units they developed and artists they have researched during the online portion of the course. (See our website for specifics. mtplc.org)
Note: The student is responsible for emailing the instructor with questions and when assignments are posted in each Module to ensure a prompt response.
This course is the equivalent to 45 classroom hours (45 OPI professional development units), which is the equivalent of 3 university credits. This is a self-paced course, but do not expect to complete it in one sitting! Course participants must be comfortable working independently and be self-motivated to complete all work within the flexible time frame. WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU DON'T REGISTER FOR MORE THAN TWO COURSES AT ONE TIME.
Dustin Hoon [email protected]
Registration fee: $490 (includes art materials)
Credit: 45 OPI Professional Development Units or 3 Semester Credits (semester credit is offered through the University of Montana and is an additional fee of $155; registration forms available in the course Moodle.)
* Complete this form.
* Within a few days, you will receive an invoice via email.
* Pay the invoice/registration fee (online or by check) in order to begin.
* You will receive a username and password and steps to access the Moodle course.
* The instructor will send an introductory email and you may begin the class.
* If you are taking the course for OPI professional development units, MTPLC will send you them upon completion of the semester.
* If you are taking the course for University credits, you will need to send the completed semester credit form and payment to Erin Lipkind, MTPLC's Moodle Course Director, by the end of the semester for which you are enrolled. She will submit them to the University of Montana along with your grade upon your completion of the course. The participant’s paperwork will be submitted to UM for the term in which they finish the coursework.
* Registrants have one year from the term of registration to complete their course.
Ex: If you register in February 2024, you have until May 15, 2025 to complete the course.
Obtaining copies of the books: Check your school /district or local library. Amazon and other online booksellers often have used copies available. The instructor is available to assist with locating copies, if needed.
Event Number: 25521024
EDU 455 EDU 555
Register at: https://forms.gle/JDtu9hV3YtTZBYFE7